Stand Firm in Christian Unity

Apr 28, 2024    Trent Casto

The Lord has brought each one of us into this fellowship from a different place and background: we’re different ages, we speak different languages, we have a variety of theological and political views, and we often have our own ideas of how things should be done. Occasionally these issues erupt because living in unity with other sinful people is difficult. But if the gospel is true, and it is, then living in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ is imperative.

Sermon outline:

I. The Call to Christian Unity

II. The Qualities of Christian Unity

III. The Foundation of Christian Unity

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. Humility, gentleness, and patience are important virtues for maintaining unity in the church. Which of these do you find most challenging to live out? Why? How can we grow in these areas?

2. Do you have relationships in your life currently that require you to “put up with one another in love”? If so, how is it going? If not, why might that be the case?

3. How does remembering the “one hope” we have in Christ’s return and making all things new help us to live at peace with one another amidst our differences and disagreements?

4. The sermon highlights the foundational unity we have as Christians—one body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, and Father. Which of these resonates most with you as an important basis for our unity? Why?

5. What are some ways we can intentionally cultivate being “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit” in our church family? What might this look like practically in how we relate to one another?