Take prayer concerns directly to the prayer team in the front of the worship center immediately following both services.


Know someone who is in need of meals after surgery, illness, crisis or disabilities? Accept freezer meals made by our loving Covenant Cuisinaires. Please call or email  Judy Caldwell, or 239-597-3464.


Visiting those who are hurting, offering understanding and addressing their needs, providing encouragement in the name of Jesus and expressing through words and deeds the constant love and care of God.
JudyCaldwell, or 239-273-6785.


Care for individuals in our church and community.
A Stephen Minister is Christ Caring for People, through People who are trained to listen, pray, encourage, walk alongside, and keep one’s strictest confidence. Stephen Ministers are prepared to help you realize the wholeness of Christ even in your difficult experience.
Please call 239.597.3464 to request a Stephen Minister (self-referral) or refer a friend if they are in need.


Prayer makes a difference because God listens when you pray.

At Covenant prayer is part of everything we do and we want to pray for you. Whether your need is physical, emotional, financial, relational or spiritual, we can pray together and God will act.
Individuals throughout Covenant are invited to pray for special needs that arise in the body of Covenant. If you would like to pray for others or if you are in need of prayer, contact Judith Caldwell at 239.597.3464.  

Prayer Chain

Mercy Ministry

At Covenant the Diaconate coordinates, leads and trains volunteers as we reach out in mercy through:
Short Term Relief 
Relief in the form of financial and spiritual assistance to meet an immediate or short term crisis.
Long Term Development 
Assistance that empowers an individual or family toward independence and self-sustainability.
Widows and Widowers, Senior Singles 
Compassionate support and spiritual love to our elder members in need.
 Physical Assistance 
Home repair, transportation & moving

Need Assistance?

Call the message line 239-597-1014 and a Mercy Ministry team member will return your call within 24 - 48 hours.
In order that we may know how best to serve you, please fill out this form. This information will be treated with complete confidentiality.

Provide immediate short term relief, long term development toward self-sufficiency, and an introduction to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Covenant Church of Naples will be well known for reaching out in mercy to those overwhelmed with life situations and spiritual needs.

You can be a part of Mercy Ministry

Contribute to the Mercy Ministry Fund
3 Ways to Give 
1.  In Person: One Sunday of Each Month, we collect a special fund after each service.
2. Online: You may also give online and select "Mercy Ministry" from the dropdown box.
3. By Mail: Send your check, payable to Covenant Church of Naples, and "Mercy Ministry"in the memo. Mail to Covenant Church of Naples, 6926 Trail Blvd, Naples, FL  34108.

Volunteer In Mercy Ministry

We are all called to reach out in mercy!

As Tim Keller says,
“Mercy is not optional or an addition to being a Christian.” 

Is the Lord tugging at your heart of compassion for those seeking relief?

Email us to get involved
We will:
• Adhere to Biblical principles
• Maintain total confidentiality
• Respect those served
• Avoid contributing to a cycle of dependency
• Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ
• Serve without discrimination
• Comply with all church policies & procedures

Need A Ride To Church?

Welcome to Covenant Riders!

To request a ride to and from Church or medical appointments:
If you can't attend church, Covenant Deacons can help. We partner with GoGoGrandparent for free rides to and from Covenant and medical appointments for members. You must be able to get in and out of the vehicle on your own.
To request a ride, call the Congregational Life Assistants at 239-597-3464. A deacon will help set you up and answer any questions. Once enrolled, you’re good to go!


While never wavering from a foundation of biblical truth, our licensed professional counselors integrate specialized training in mental, emotional, and relational dynamics to graciously lead individuals towards healing and restoration.



The Shepherding Elders and Lay Shepherds meet on the first Thursday of each month primarily to pray for you. We consider this a great privilege and calling. Let us know how we can pray for you.

The Pastors/Elders will pray with you at the hospital before surgery and during a crisis. Please call Judy Caldwell at 239-273-6785 (Prayer Chain) if you or a loved one is in the hospital or are in need. If admitted to a hospital, please let the hospital know you attend Covenant Church of Naples PCA , so we know you are there and can visit and pray for you.
Covenant Church of Naples Elders are elected by the congregation to provide spiritual leadership, guidance, governance, and encouragement. Some serve in the areas of governance and oversight while others serve as congregational shepherds who personally minister to 8-10 Covenant families. These Shepherds develop personal relationships with each family member to provide guidance for spiritual growth, support, resourcing, and prayer.  
Shepherds minister to Covenant families through:
  • Personal contact
  • Regular prayer
  • Resourcing families as necessary within the body and with other Covenant ministries
  • Hospital visitation and emergency aid
  • And, if necessary, restoration to the body