8:30 & 11AM Worship Services
10AM  Sunday School
Children dismissed at offering for Children's Church
Spanish translation available 


8:30 & 11AM
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Welcome to
Covenant Church Of Naples | PCA

We aspire to be a loving family, dependent on the Holy Spirit, committed to the Word, growing in grace, and reaching out in mercy. If you’re already a Christian, or not yet a Christian, we hope that you’ll experience Covenant as a place where you can discover God’s love and grace through the Word of God and the people of God.

As a church, our mission is to develop and deploy fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ to disciple our family, community, and world. In other words, we want to be transformed through a life of worship and intentional spiritual growth in relationship with others, so that we can more effectively serve one another and graciously go out to the world with the good news about Jesus. You’ll see that we’re committed to this kind of gospel transformation in the lives of all the men, women, and children who comprise our Covenant family.

Our website will give you some idea of what we’re about as a church. But to truly experience the Covenant family, we hope you’ll join us on Sunday morning for worship. If you do, be sure to introduce yourself, I’d love to meet you and introduce you to some of the wonderful people who make up our loving family. Until then may God give you strength, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ...

In His Service,
Dr. Trent Casto
Senior Pastor

Church Plant Pledge

A Church Plant pledge is a commitment made by individuals and families to support the spread of the gospel through planting a church is Eastern Collier County. Click the Pledge button below and learn how you can get involved.

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the form inside and bring back on March 24th or mail your form, or pledge online. After March 24th, place in the offering plate, bring to the church office or pledge online.

Our God is on the move, and he is calling us at Covenant Church to make an investment that will leave an enduring, generational impact.

Come alongside us in prayer as we embark on this partnership initiative aimed at providing Christian education to our community. 

Let's Get Connected!


We offer New Members classes a few times a year held on Sunday mornings following the last worship service of the day. During the classes you will have the opportunity to meet some of our staff, learn about the history of Covenant Church as well as meet other potential new members. The main focus of the class is to learn more about the mission and ministry of the church and how you might become involved. If you are interested in membership click to learn more.