It is an annual financial commitment made by individuals and families at Covenant to support the spread of the gospel through our local and global Covenant Missions Team. We believe that God calls us to directly support His work outside the walls of the church through a separate financial commitment. In the past, individual Pledges of all amounts--large and small--have been given. All used by God to advance and expand His Kingdom around the world!

Your Faith Promise Pledge is between you and God. We encourage you to pray and listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Your Pledge is a step of faith, and we trust that, in God’s hands, your Pledge will be multiplied and used for His Kingdom, blessing countless others in the name of Jesus!

INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill out the 2022 Faith Promise Pledge Commitment form below and when complete click "Submit Pledge". You should then shortly receive an email copy of your General Pledge as well as your Designated Pledges for your records.
CONFIDENTIALITY: All information contained on this form will be kept confidential, known only to the Covenant accounting office. However, if you have elected to donate to specific Mission Partners, the accounting office may share your contact information with those Partners you support for communication purposes if you so choose. The option to share your information will be given to you once you complete this form.