Great Joy

Apr 14, 2024    Chuck Betters

The Gospel of Luke begins and ends with worship reflecting the “great joy” that entered the world through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This great joy, distinct from mere happiness, becomes accessible to us when we receive the gift of faith in Jesus Christ.

Sermon Outline:

I. The source material of great joy are the things of Jesus.

II. Great joy marvels at the work of Jesus.

III. Great joy is seeing that all the Scriptures point to Jesus.

IV. Great joy leads to continual worship of Jesus.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. How do you distinguish between happiness and joy? Have you ever known a person who exuded great joy? What were some of their unique characteristics?

2. John Calvin wrote that we are all partly unbelievers until we die and see Jesus. When you have gone through seasons or moments of disbelief or doubt what was it that helped your faith strengthen?

3. Do you still find yourself in awe of Jesus and His work in your life? If so, how do you cultivate that sense of wonder?

4. Can you think of examples in your life when you “disbelieved for joy”?

5. The sermon emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus throughout Scripture. How can we deepen our understanding of how the entire Bible points to Jesus? Are there specific passages or stories that have helped you see Jesus more clearly in Scripture?

6. If you were to share your faith with a non-believer what proofs of the resurrection would you use to help convince them that Jesus is alive?

7. The Gospel of Luke concludes in the same way that it opened: with great joy through worship. How does the knowledge of Jesus' resurrection impact your worship? In what ways can we foster a spirit of worship characterized by great joy in our lives?