Waiting in Darkness

Dec 17, 2023    Greg Blosser

Advent is a time of longing and waiting for the return of our Redeemer. Hardship, grief and sorrow can make that waiting difficult, but there is hope for those who come to Christ.

Discussion Questions

1. When are you most likely to feel pressure to act happier and cheerier than you really feel, or to conceal sorrow and grief? Why?

2. Is Naomi’s attitude a sign of unfaithfulness? Why or why not?

3. How does the gospel give us freedom to lament in difficult times?

4. Why is it sometimes hard to see clues of God’s grace at work in our world and lives? Where do you see his grace in your life today?

5. Naomi experiences the kindness of God in the kindness of Ruth, Moabitess. Why is this surprising? Where in your life are you experiencing God’s kindness through the kindness of a non-Christian?

6. Does hardship make it easier or more difficult to remain close to Jesus? Why?

7. Why isn’t the notion of “waiting” a more prominent spiritual discipline for Christians?