Taming the Tongue

Oct 15, 2023    Trent Casto

There are so many ways we can go wrong with our tongues, sometimes it seems we would do well just to keep our mouths shut. But therein lies the problem James highlights in this passage. Who can tame the tongue? Join us to find out!

Sermon Outline:

I. The Tongue’s Restraint Reflects its Maturity.

II. The Tongue’s Size Betrays its Power.

III. The Tongue’s Output Reveals its Source.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. James says that not many should become teachers because teachers will be judged more strictly (v. 1). Why do you think teachers face stricter judgment? What are some ways teachers can be faithful in handling God's word?

2. James compares the tongue to a bit in a horse’s mouth and a rudder on a ship (vv. 3-5). What do these comparisons teach us about the power of our words? Share an example of how a small word made a big impact, either positively or negatively.

3. James says no human can tame the tongue (v. 8). Why do you think it’s so hard to control what we say? What are some practical ways we can exercise self-control with our speech?

4. James points out the contradiction of blessing God while cursing others (vv. 9-10). When are you most tempted to be guilty of this inconsistency? What does it reveal about the condition of your heart?

5. According to this passage, what is the root issue behind sins of the tongue? How can we experience heart transformation that impacts the way we speak? What role does confession and repentance play?