Worship Service & Sunday School Classes
8:30AM - Masks Optional - Mask Section Available
Spanish (Translation available)
10:00 AM - Sunday School Classes
11:00 AM - Masks Optional
Spanish (Translation available)
10:00 AM - Sunday School Classes
11:00 AM - Masks Optional
Holy Jealousy for Jesus' Bride
Satan has been a deceiver from the beginning, and he hasn’t slowed down. He aims to seduce the bride of Jesus to embrace another Jesus to our eternal harm. Join us to find out how to remain faithfully devoted to Jesus and resist disguised deceivers.
Pastor Trent Casto
Pastor Trent Casto
Worship Ministry
David LaChance, Jr.
Worship Director
We have a rich musical heritage in our beloved hymns. These songs are packed tight with Biblical doctrine and Scripture and are often expressed in beautiful and poetic ways with timeless melodies and beautiful harmonies. Musically, at Covenant, our musical center is the mainstream contemporary style we have settled on that best represents who we are as leaders and as a body.
Our blended music worship services are not aiming to please everyone but to be faithful to who we are while avoiding the traditional and contemporary extremes. We have made these choices in the spirit of reaching back and looking ahead. Corporate Worship requires humility and forbearance; namely, love. This spirit is all bound up in the Biblical command to “sing a new song”.
Corporate Worship
Requires humility and forbearance; namely, love
Production Ministry
Ryan Young
Production Director.
If you’re creative and want to be on the cutting edge of technology, this is a great place for you to get involved in the life of Covenant Church. Volunteering with the Production Ministry team requires a commitment to excellence. We strive to facilitate the worship experience without making ourselves or the technology a centerpiece of it. From the time the congregation enters until they
exit, every part of the service is curated to maximize worship and enhance the presentation of the Gospel. We work as a team, devoted to the proclamation of the Word of God and committed to the mission and values of Covenant. With a variety of areas to serve in, we help you not only develop a new or existing skill set, but gain community doing something you enjoy.
Production Volunteers needed
We need a dedicated team of volunteers to make church happen on Sundays and we need you! We are looking for dedicated people with a can-do attitude to participate.
Email ryan.young@covenantnaples.com
We need a dedicated team of volunteers to make church happen on Sundays and we need you! We are looking for dedicated people with a can-do attitude to participate.
Email ryan.young@covenantnaples.com