Emmanuel's Blessing

Dec 19, 2021    Chris Voorhees

II. Joy flows when people recognize Jesus is the Christ
III. Responding out of Joy in Worship

The advent season is a time of anticipation. Children often anticipate the gifts they will receive sometimes staying up really late and waking up really early in excitement. This spirt of anticipation is similar to what Mary experienced after hearing from the angel. She excitedly goes to Elizabeth to confirm the good news of the angel. This confirmation makes her belt out in song. Come hear about the Joy of the Lord on Sunday!

1. How is joy, anticipation, and excitement all a part of the advent season in our current culture? In what ways are they not?
2. Elizabeth and Mary were years apart in age, What does this teach us about inter-generational relationships?
3. Elizabeth never has an ounce of jealousy that Mary was chosen to carry the Savior of the world. Why do you think she was able to rejoice and not be jealous?
4. What is your attitude towards worship on Sunday mornings? Do you come expectantly and with joy ready to worship the God who saves? What helped Mary prepare her heart for worship and how does that inform how we should do the same?