Do Not Be Deceived
Christians worship an unchanging God, who does not associate with or tempt us to sin. Therefore, we may have great confidence and hope that the new life he has birthed in us is but the firstfruits of His plan to renew all creation and vanquish sin, Satan, and death.
Sermon Outline:
I.The only way to obey the command: ‘do not be deceived,’ is to know the truth.
II. Our faith in God and confidence in His word are predicated on His immutability (changelessness).
III. Your new birth in Christ is neither a random act nor a consequence of your initiative. It is a work of God: the product of His perfect will accomplished through the message of the Gospel.
1. In what ways does the spirit of our age attempt to deceive us concerning God or His word?
2. What are the good and perfect gifts that James references in this passage?
3. How is the immutability (changelessness) of God a source of comfort to the believer?
4. What is meant that by the firstfruits of God’s creatures?
5. Compare God’s work in creation with his work in the new birth of believers. (Gen. 1:26; 1 Peter 1:23;