Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Jul 7, 2024    Chuck Betters

In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant Jesus shows how great a debt we have been forgiven and how the forgiveness that we have received will serve as motivation to forgive others. This does not mean that forgiveness is easy. The pathway to forgiveness is a bloodstained and complicated journey but it will become part of the spiritual life of the Christian when we begin to grasp just how much God has forgiven us through the work of his Son Jesus Christ.

1. Understanding Forgiveness:

- Peter asked Jesus if forgiving someone up to seven times was sufficient. Jesus responded with a parable emphasizing unlimited forgiveness. How does this teaching challenge our natural inclinations about forgiveness, and how can we align our hearts with Jesus' command?

2. Recognizing Our Debt:

- In the parable, the servant owed an unpayable debt to the king. How does this illustrate our own spiritual debt to God? Discuss how recognizing the magnitude of our forgiven debt can impact our willingness to forgive others.

3. Living Out Forgiveness:

- Jesus teaches that we must forgive from the heart. What does it mean to forgive someone "from the heart," and how can we cultivate this attitude in our daily lives, especially in the face of repeated offenses?

4. Obstacles to Forgiveness:

- What are some common "what about-isms" or excuses we use to withhold forgiveness from others? How can we address these obstacles in light of Jesus' teaching and the parable of the unforgiving servant?

5. Grace and Mercy:

- Compare and contrast the behavior of the king and the unforgiving servant. How does this parable illustrate the importance of extending the same grace and mercy we have received from God to others?

6. Seven Times Seventy in Daily Life:

- The concept of seven times seventy applies not just to forgiveness but to all areas of our spiritual lives. How can we apply this principle to our prayer life, evangelism, encouragement, and other aspects of our faith practice? Share practical examples of how adopting a seven times seventy mindset can transform our church community.