Purpose of the Sower

Jun 2, 2024    Brent Whitefield

In the parable of the Sower, Jesus reveals the different types of responses that people have to the Gospel and invites listeners to consider the condition of their heart to receive and believe the message. The good soil is not manifested by pious words or behavior modification; rather, the evidence of a receptive heart is kingdom fruitfulness.


I. Four kinds of heart:

1. The hardened heart

2. The fickle heart

3. The encumbered heart

4. The responsive heart

II. Fruit is a kingdom expectation and the only sure evidence of an understanding and embrace of the Gospel message.

III. A fruitless Christian is an oxymoron.


1. When Jesus refers to ‘the word of the kingdom,’ what is he talking about? Could you explain it to someone who knows nothing about it?

2. What are the ‘cares of the world’ that you find most distract you from the things of God’s kingdom?

3. What would consider evidence of fruit in the life of the believer?

4. In what sense are riches ‘deceitful?’

5. Having heard about four types of soil, which type do you think you most closely resemble?