Reaching Out in Mercy

Jan 31, 2021    Brent Whitefield

We want to be a church, following the example of Christ, that reaches out in mercy to the lost in our families, community and world.

Sermon Points:
- Reaching Out
- In Mercy

Questions for discussion:
Since we are not Jesus, is it not dangerous for us to spend time with sinners? Will we not be spiritually compromised?
In this passage, is Jesus implying that the Pharisees are healthy and not in need of salvation?
How is it that Matthew followed Jesus after the simple invitation: “Follow me”?
In your social circles, who are the people that it would be scandalous to be seen with?
What does it mean: “I desire mercy and not a sacrifice?” What is wrong with a sacrifice?
What does the term ‘righteous’ mean in the context of verse 13?

This is the fourth sermon in our series, "Counter Culture". Today, January 31st, 2020, Brent Whitefield delivers his sermon from Matthew 9:9-13 entitled " Reaching Out in Mercy".