I Am the Door

Apr 30, 2023    Brent Whitefield

Jesus confronts the religious leaders of his day for their negligent shepherding of the people of Israel. He picks up where they failed and reveals Himself as the gate – the only door - to the sheepfold, where those who enter find salvation, protection, and life abundant.

I. Those who belong to Christ can distinguish between true and false teaching

II. The Door is the exclusive entry point to salvation

III. To go in by the door is to embrace Christ by faith

Coming in through the door not only secures salvation, but also the promise of protection and the means to prosper


1. What is the connection between Jesus ‘I Am’ statement here and the episode of the blind man healed in the previous chapter?

2. Who is the gatekeeper that Jesus references in verse three?

3. It has been observed that sheepfolds in the ancient Near East did not typically have a door, but the shepherd served as a door in the night. What light might this shed on Jesus' statement?

4. What are some of the ways that people try to enter into the sheepfold?

5. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” Who is the thief?

6. What does the abundant life look like for the believer?