What is Your Why?

May 19, 2024    Bob Petterson

Mark Twain wrote, “The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out.” What is your why? Why were you born? Why are you on this earth? Most people drift aimlessly on seas of uncertainty, oarless, rudderless, without map, compass, or a port to call home. Our ancestors navigated by fixed stars, but too many folks today chase after the lights of passing ships. St. Paul had a purpose statement in Philippians 3:10&11. It gave direction, the fuel to get there, and a way to measure his progress.

I. Do you have a purpose statement of two or three lines that you could state at a moment’s notice?

II. What are the marks of a purpose that is worthy of both today and eternity?

III. What do you or others pursue that won’t go beyond the grave?

IV. Is the purpose statement of Paul good enough for you to take as your own”

V. What action steps do you need to take going forward?