Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

Nov 3, 2024    Trent Casto

Many hearts are troubled today. From elections to wars to the economy to our personal health, it seems we have several good reasons for being troubled. But Jesus’ words in this passage show us a better way: the way of peace—the way of faith.

Sermon Outline:

I. Our hearts will not be troubled when we exercise faith.

II. Our hearts will not be troubled when we anticipate his return.

III. Our hearts will not be troubled when we remember who he is.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. What specific anxieties or troubles are weighing on your heart currently? How do you relate to the disciples’ feelings of trouble as described in the sermon?

2. Faith is not just something we possess, but something we actively exercise. Can you share a time when you actively exercised your faith and experienced peace in a troubled time?

3. How does the hope of Jesus’ return and the promise of a place in the Father’s house influence your perspective on current events?

4. We may be troubled by the wrong things. What are some issues or concerns that you personally are overly troubled by? What is an area where you may not be troubled enough?

5. How does knowing Jesus make a difference in troubling times? Spend some time in prayer over these things.