An Unlikely Story

Jan 19, 2025    Trent Casto

The people we are most inclined to write off, God is most delighted to write in. How should that change our view of such people? In this unlikely story, we’re going to consider an unlikely hero, an unlikely theologian, and an unlikely salvation.

Sermon Outline:

I. An Unlikely Hero

II. An Unlikely Theologian

III. An Unlikely Salvation

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. The sermon describes Rahab as “exactly the kind of person who deserves the judgment God will bring” yet also “exactly the kind of person upon whom God loves to shower his grace.” How does this challenge your own views about who can be used by God? Share about a time when you witnessed God work through an unexpected person.

2. We learn that Rahab believed after hearing about God’s mighty works, even though the person who told her may not have been a believer themselves. How does this encourage or challenge you in sharing your faith with others? What holds you back from telling others about what God has done?

3. Rahab’s faith was demonstrated through her actions—hiding the spies and helping them escape. In what specific ways does your faith influence your daily decisions and actions? Are there areas where your beliefs and actions don’t align?

4. Rahab sought rescue not just for herself but for her entire household. How does this relate to your own spiritual influence within your family? What practical steps can you take to encourage faith in your household?

5. The good news of the gospel is about what God has done, not what we do. How does this perspective change the way you think about your relationship with God? How does it prepare us for action?