Memorials Matter

Feb 16, 2025    Trent Casto

Forgetting what God has done not only means we are less prepared to face future challenges in the life of faith, but it also means we are less prepared to pass on the message of God’s faithfulness to the next generation. Come and find out why memorials matter.

Sermon Outline:

I. The Memorial Command

II. The Memorial Creation

III. The Memorial Commemoration

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. What are some personal “memorial stones” in your own life that remind you of God’s faithfulness? How do these memories strengthen your faith during challenging times?

2. The passage emphasizes the importance of passing faith down to the next generation through explaining the significance of memorials and God’s works. In what ways do you (or can you) intentionally share stories of God’s faithfulness with children, family members, or others in your life?

3. The sermon draws parallels between baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the Jordan River crossing as significant memorials. How do these sacraments serve as reminders of God’s work in your life? How can we make the most of these practices?

4. Joshua 4:24 gives two purposes for God’s miraculous work: that all peoples may know God’s might, and that his people may fear him forever. How does understanding God's might lead to proper “fear” of him? What does this kind of fear look like in daily life?