Living in Christian Community

Jun 13, 2021    Trent Casto

As we finish our series in 2 Corinthians we will see that if we long to experience the presence of God in our lives, then we must pursue genuine Christian community.

Sermon Outline:
I. Some Elements of Christian Community

II. Some Expressions of Christian Community

III. The Source of Christian Community

Sermon Discussion Questions:
1. Explain what is meant by the statement: “Where there is Christian community, there is God.”

2. Of the five imperatives listed in verse 11, which do you think is the most difficult for churches to practice? Which do you personally find most challenging?

3. What was the “holy kiss” in verse 13 intended to convey? What are some culturally appropriate ways that we can tangibly communicate the same truths to others in our Christian community?

4. Why is a rejection of Christian community a rejection of the heart of God?

5. Looking back across 2 Corinthians, share some ways that this letter has shaped or sharpened your thinking. Spend some time in prayer asking God to continue that good work in you and in our community.

This is the last sermon in the series "God's Strength in Our Weakness", today, June 13th, 2021, Pastor Trent Casto delivers his sermon entitled "Living in Christian Community " based on 2 Corinthians 13:11-14.