Why We Need Trials

Jul 30, 2023    Trent Casto

No one likes to face trials in this life. Yet, in this passage, James calls us to “Count it all joy” when we encounter trials. What is it about the Christian faith that turns the hardest things that happen to us in this life into occasions for joy? Join us to find out as we kick off our new sermon series in the book of James!

Sermon Outline:

I. The Counterintuitive Response to Trials

II. What We Know in the Midst of Trials

III. The Ultimate Goal of All Our Trials

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. As you think about your life and the ways you have suffered, would you take an eraser and remove it if you could? Why or why not?

2. Where in your life have you seen suffering produce steadfastness and ultimately Christian character in you? Where have you seen suffering expose your need for growth in Christian character?

3. How might we use the teaching of this passage to comfort a Christian friend or family member who is suffering a trial? How could an improper use of this passage hurt those who are suffering?

4. Why is it important to get clarity on what we most want in life? If what we most want is to be like Jesus, how does this shape our perspective on the trials we suffer?

5. How does the gospel give us confidence that God is worthy to be trusted even when we are suffering?