The God of Wonders

Feb 2, 2025    Trent Casto

When facing impossible situations, our greatest need is not clarity, but trust in the unfailing love of God.

Sermon Outline:

I. Following God will bring us to impossible situations.

II. God intends impossible situations for our good.

III. God rewards trust in impossible situations.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. Share a time when you had to step forward in faith without knowing all the details. What was challenging about that experience, and how did God provide?

2. Impossible situations (or seemingly impossible ones) are opportunities for faith growth. What seemingly “impossible” situation are you currently facing where you need to trust God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself?

3. Giving is one way of exercising faith. What keeps you from being more generous than you are presently? How have you experienced God’s provision when you have been generous in the past?

4. Joshua and the priests risked looking foolish by stepping into the flooded Jordan River. Has the fear of looking foolish ever kept you back from obedience? How does the gospel enable us to overcome this fear?

5. How does the metaphor of faith as a muscle that grows through stretching and testing resonate with your own spiritual experience? What “muscle-building” moments have been most transformative in your faith journey?