You Were Always on My Mind (Dr. Sinclair Ferguson)

Apr 2, 2023    Dr. Sinclair Ferguson

Dr. Sinclair Ferguson

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. Palm Sunday was not Jesus’ first trip to Jerusalem. Why was he greeted with such fanfare upon his arrival this time?

2. Jesus was treated like a true king when he entered Jerusalem but died friendless days later. Why did the enthusiasm for Christ’s promised reign fail to generate enduring faith or courageous loyalty to Him?

3. On at least three occasions in John’s Gospel (2:4, 7:30, 8:20) we are told that Jesus’ ‘hour’ has not yet come. In 12:23, Christ announces that the ‘hour’ has come. What does this mean?

4. What is it about Christians that will convince the world to believe in Christ?

5. How do we know that the prayer of Christ in chapter 17 is not only for his apostles but for us as well?