What does it mean to plant a Church

May 22, 2022    Greg Blosser

If you are a Christian and you don’t really belong to a church - maybe you even attend church - but you don’t belong to a church - you need to belong to a church. You need a TEAM on your side, in your corner.

What if all of this sounds quite inspiring, but you’re not sure you’re up to the task?
What does Church Planting Take?
What does living a Christian life take?

It takes MUCH more than we have.

Let me ask you.
1. Is your faith weak?
2. s your resilience questionable?
3. Are you sometimes bad at loving your neighbor?
4. Is your prayer life embarrassingly inconsistent?
Perfect. God will get the glory when he does this work. When he plants this church. We’ll all know he did it and we just watered the seeds.

Please partner with us by praying FOR us and for this new church plant.

Pray God will build his church.
Pray God will protect his servants.
Pray God will bless Naples through our church planting efforts.