Discipling our World
The message of the Gospel is for all peoples in all places. If we are to disciples the nations, as commanded by Christ, we must assure that the good news is heard by all. This means redoubling our commitment to send and go, until Christ returns or all have been reached.
I. Because of God’s sovereignty, the Christian faith is transnational
and His church is universal.
II. There is no Scriptural warrant for the belief
that those who have never heard the Gospel may be saved.
III. The preached word has always been the normative means
by which the Gospel is communicated.
IV. Messengers must be sent, to preach the Gospel, so that all may hear, such that those who believe and call on the Lord will be saved.
1. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord?
2. Is it possible for a person to be saved who has never heard of Christ? What about those who lived before Christ’s earthly ministry?
3. Is the Great Commission binding on us today? Was it a mandate for the apostles and first-century Christians only?
4. What does it mean to send and be sent to preach the Gospel?
5. How do we reconcile what Paul says about no distinction between Jews and Greeks with what he writes in Rom. 3:1-2?