Stand Firm in the New Life (Part II)

Sep 8, 2024    Trent Casto

Lying, gossip, slander, stealing, bitterness, shouting, and negativity. Who wants to be part of a community where those things are the norm? Thankfully, we don’t have to! As new creations in Christ, we are called to put off those ways of living that are associated with our sinful and rebellious nature. Likewise, we must put on the virtues that reflect our new identity in Jesus. As we put off the old and put on the new, we enjoy living in Christian community as God intended it to be.

Sermon Outline:

I. We Must Put off Falsehood and Put on Truth.

II. We Must Put off Uncontrolled Anger and Put on Controlled Anger.

III. We Must Put off Stealing and Put on Sharing.

IV. We Must Put off Corrupting Talk and Put on Gracious Talk.

V. We Must Put off Bitterness and Put on Kindness.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. How does the story of the Soviet pilot’s transformation into an American citizen help us understand the concept of being a new creation in Christ? What practical changes should we expect in our lives as a result of this transformation?

2. Paul emphasizes the importance of putting off falsehood and speaking truth. In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to be honest? How can we cultivate a culture of honesty within our homes and Christian community?

3. The passage warns against allowing anger to lead to sin. How do you handle anger in your own life without letting it fester or giving the devil a foothold?

4. Corrupting talk harms the Christian community, while gracious talk builds it up. How does your speech reflect the change brought about by being born again? What areas of your speech have not been sufficiently transformed yet?

5. Bitterness was described as “hard heartedness that harbors resentment about the past.” Can you share a time when you struggled with bitterness towards someone? How did (or how might) understanding God’s forgiveness in Christ help you move towards forgiving that person? Is there anyone you need to forgive today?