Stand Firm in Your New Identity

May 12, 2024    Trent Casto

When you look at your life in light of God’s Word, does it reflect the reality of the transformation Christ has done in you? Do you still see many aspects of your life before Christ intermixed with some changed elements? Join us to discover more about standing firm in our new identity in Christ.

Sermon Outline:

I. Because we are new creations in Christ, we must no longer live like we used to do.

i. Apart from Christ, we live in the dark.

ii. Apart from Christ, we are dead to God.

iii. Apart from Christ, we are calloused in conscience.

II. Because we are new creations in Christ, we must live like Christians.

i. Christians must live in light of truth.

ii. Christians must live in the reality of our new identity.

iii. Christians must live in the process of continual renewal.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. What we believe shapes how we experience reality. Can you think of examples from your own life where your beliefs significantly impacted your experiences or perceptions?

2. It is possible to callous our consciences by repeatedly ignoring moral convictions. What are some ways you have experienced or seen this happening in your own life or others’ lives?

3. Paul uses the imagery of “putting off” the old self and “putting on” the new self in Christ. Having put off the old self at our conversion, what practical steps can we take to continually put to death the remnants of our old nature?

4. Christians are to be continually “renewed in the spirit of our minds” as we live out our new identity in Christ. What spiritual disciplines or practices are particularly helpful in renewing your mind? How would you describe your intentionality in being renewed in the spirit of your mind?

5. If someone close to you looked at your life, would they see evidence that you have truly “put on” a new identity in Christ? What old attitudes or practices betray your new identity? In what areas do you want to be more intentional about living out your new identity?