Stand Firm as Children of God

Sep 15, 2024    Trent Casto

In Paul’s day, and down to our own, so-called Christian teachers have effectively duped people into thinking that a life of self-indulgence is compatible with the Christian gospel. But in this passage Paul sets the record straight. Because Christians are God’s children, we must walk in love, not in self-indulgence.

Sermon Outline:

I. Love is Consistent with Your New Identity.

II. Self-Indulgence is Inconsistent with Your New Identity.

III. Christ Came to Deliver Us from the Wrath Coming on Self-Indulgence.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. How does being “beloved children” of God influence the way we should live, according to Ephesians 5:1-2? In what specific ways can we imitate God’s kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness in our daily interactions?

2. Paul instructs us to “walk in love, as Christ loved us” (Eph. 5:2). What are some practical examples of self-sacrificial love that align with how Christ demonstrated His love for us?

3. Paul contrasts self-indulgence with a life of holiness. How does the message of Ephesians 5:3-4 challenge contemporary views on sexuality and materialism? How does it challenge your own views?

4. Ephesians 5:6 warns against being deceived by “empty words.” How can we discern whether teachings or beliefs we encounter align with biblical truth, especially in areas like sexuality, greed, and personal behavior?

5. Despite our failings, Christ offers forgiveness and grace. How does understanding this grace influence our approach to repentance and forgiveness, both for ourselves and when we extend it to others? How does understanding the gospel shape our pursuit of holiness?