Stand Firm as Children of Light

Sep 22, 2024    Trent Casto

In a world characterized by darkness, fighting against the devil outside and our flesh inside, we will be tempted to live as those in darkness. Whether it be embracing false teaching, caving in the face of temptation, speaking words that corrupt, or refusing to forgive, none of us are immune. Yet, these ways of living are contrary to who we are now in Jesus Christ. In this passage, Paul exposes the disconnect that often exists between who we are in Christ as children of light and how we actually live.

Sermon Outline:

I. Children of Light Bear Fruit.

II. Children of Light Expose Darkness.

III. Children of Light Walk Wisely.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean to “walk as children of light”? How does your identity in Christ as light affect our daily decisions, especially in resisting the works of darkness?

2. How do you discern when to engage with people who live in darkness while not partaking in their sinful actions? What boundaries might you need to set in your relationships to live out this command?

3. Ephesians 5:11 commands us to “take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” What does it look like to expose darkness in a way that is loving and redemptive rather than judgmental?

4. Verses 15-16 call us to live wisely, making the best use of our time.

Reflect on how you currently spend your time. Are there any habits, activities, or priorities you need to adjust to live more wisely and purposefully to make the most of the time?

5. In Ephesians 5:18, Paul commands believers to be filled with the Spirit rather than with wine. What are some specific ways you can seek to be filled with the Spirit in your daily life? How can prayer, worship, Scripture, and Christian community play a role in this?