Stand Firm in the Armor of God

Nov 17, 2024    Trent Casto

We are all engaged in a spiritual conflict, whether we want to be or not. As God’s people, we are called to be strong in Christ and to stand firm under the onslaught. How can we do that?

Sermon Outline:

I. Stand Firm by Putting On the Armor.

II. Stand Firm by Taking Up the Sword and Shield.

III. Stand Firm by Bowing Down in Prayer.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. Reflect on Paul’s imagery of the armor. How do you personally “put on” the armor of God each day? Are there any areas in your life where you feel unprepared or vulnerable?

2. In a world full of lies and half-truths, how can you better align yourself with God’s truth?

3. What are some of the “fiery darts” (doubts, temptations, fears) that Satan launches at you in your spiritual walk? How can you raise the shield of faith to protect yourself from these attacks, and what promises from Scripture can help strengthen your faith in these moments?

4. How can you better equip yourself with the Word of God to fight against the enemy’s lies and temptations? How has the Bible been a tool for you in spiritual warfare, and how can you make it a more central part of your daily life?

5. Why is prayer so essential in spiritual warfare? How can we be more intentional in praying for others, especially fellow believers, and for those who preach and teach the Word? What are some practical steps you can take to make prayer a consistent part of your daily walk with God?