Stand Firm in Growing Up

May 5, 2024    Trent Casto

The church is comprised of many disparate parts and yet called to function together as one body. When each member does its part, we grow up into the fullness of what God is creating us to be. What is your part?

Sermon outline:

I. The Gift Giver

II. The Gifts He Gives

III. The Goal of the Gifts

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. What stuck out to you most from the sermon about the variety of spiritual gifts given to the church? How have you seen different gifts at work within our church body?

2. The gifts are given to equip the saints for ministry and build up the body of Christ. What avenues for ministry and service are you currently involved in or feel equipped to get involved in?

3. Why is it important that we strive for maturity and not remain spiritual “children” easily swayed by false teachings or deceitful schemes? How can we grow in discernment?

4. Paul writes that we are to “speak the truth in love.” Why is maintaining both truth and love crucial? How do you tend to prioritize one over the other personally?

5. What is your attitude towards the role and responsibilities God has given you within the church? How can we foster an appropriate eagerness to do our part in the body of Christ?