Stand Firm in the Gift of Salvation

Feb 11, 2024    Trent Casto

Paul tells us in this passage that we were dead in our sin and floating down the stream of our sinful desires carried along by the power of Satan himself. What is a more hopeless situation than being dead? But this passage also contains the best news: Though we were dead in sin, God in His great mercy and love made us alive in Christ, raised us up with Him, and seated us securely with Him in the heavenly places.

Sermon Outline:

I. Our Need for Salvation

II. God’s Action for Salvation

III. Our Future in Salvation

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. Ephesians 2:1 describes humanity as “dead in trespasses and sins.” In what ways have you seen or experienced the reality of spiritual death prior to knowing Christ? If you are a Christian, how would you describe the difference in the influence of the world, the flesh, and the devil on your life after Christ saved you?

2. The apostle Paul emphasizes that God saves us purely out of mercy and love, not because of our works. Why is salvation by grace alone so important to understand? What problems can result from forgetting this truth?

3. Reflecting on your own faith journey, when have you experienced the “immeasurable riches of God's grace” (Eph 2:7)? How might remembering his grace and kindness make it easier to share the gospel with others?

4. Discuss the significance of being “made alive together with Christ” and being “seated with Him in the heavenly places.” How does this impact our perspective on present challenges and the assurance of our future?

5. Reflect on the analogy of different lifeguard rescue techniques in the sermon. How does the extreme nature of our spiritual condition impact the way we understand God's salvation? What are the implications for our evangelistic efforts?