Stand Firm: A Detour with King Jehoshaphat

Mar 3, 2024    Chris Voorhees

When the enemy is crouching at your door, who do you turn to and how do you win the battle? God had a very interesting “battle” plan for his people that included a really loud choir. In this passage we will see what utter dependence on God looks like in the middle of the battle as he has the victory.


1. The Context

2. The Peril

3. The Prayer

4. The Praise

Sermon Questions:

1. Read Ephesians 6:10-18a and Zec 4:6-7. How do those verses relate to the passage in 2 Chronicles?

2. The people of Judah were probably expecting a different battle plan when the Jahaziel stood up to speak the word of the LORD. What were the expectations of the Jewish people for a messiah and how to Jesus confound those expectations as the true messiah?

3. When you have faced peril in your life, who or what do you typically turn to? What are some of things you have told yourself that haven’t been helpful? What has been helpful?

4. What is the difference between “maybe prayers” and “because prayers”? How would you describe your prayer life?

5. Charles Spurgeon said “When a man searches for arguments for a thing it is because he attaches importance to that which he is seeking.” Where do you see man searching for arguments and to what is being ascribed importance?