Stand Firm in the Spirit

Jan 21, 2024    Trent Casto

As we journey through life, we experience times of flourishing and struggle.

We notice times when we're growing in our faith and other times where we seem to be going backwards,

times when God feels closer than our breath an other times where he seems altogether absent.

We may wonder how this is going to end.

This passage reminds us that God's plan for the universe is not in doubt,

and neither is his plan for your life.

Sermon Outline:

I. You Are Sealed With The Spirit for an Inheritance.

II. You are Sealed with the Spirit According to God's Plan.

III. You are Sealed with the Spirit for God's Glory.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. How does knowing that you have an eternal inheritance waiting for you

change your perspective on the struggles that you face in this life?

2. We heard that "becoming a Christian is not about something you do.

Becoming a Christian is out believing a message about what God has already done for you."

How might this truth help someone who is struggling to earn their salvation through good works?

3. Do you find comfort or concern in the idea of God's sovereignty --

that he works all things according to the counsel of his will? Why?

4. How does the sealing of the Holy Spirit serve as a guarantee of our future inheritance?

Have you experienced the Spirit's presence in your life in a way that gives you confidence in God's promises?

5. What specific ways can you live out God's purpose for your life, which is to glorify Him, this week? How can we encourage each other in this purpose?