The Vanity of the Grind

Feb 26, 2023    Trent Casto

Many of us spend our lives grinding it out day after day to accomplish, achieve, and accumulate only to find ourselves mildly to severely dissatisfied. Or to put it in the language of Ecclesiastes, “what have we gained from all our grinding?” Take a break from the grind and join us to find out where true gain is found.

Sermon Outline:

I. Grinding for Gain is Absurd.

II. Grinding as Gift is Joyful.

III. Enjoying God’s Gifts is a Gift.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever experienced the “arrival fallacy,” where you accomplished something only to discover there is no lasting happiness there? Tell about it.

2. Where do you feel most keenly the daily grind of life and work? What three reasons are found in the passage for why grinding for gain is ultimately absurd?

3. How can we be free from the endless pursuit of trying to gain by turning good things into ultimate things? Why can we not enjoy God’s good gifts apart from him?

4. How does the promise of the resurrection fundamentally change the way we view our work in this world? (See 1 Corinthians 15:58)