Open Wide Your Hand

Apr 10, 2022    Trent Casto

In this passage, Moses sets out a vision for a wildly prosperous and generous people established on the firm foundation of God’s promises. The question is: will his people remember, trust, and obey?

Sermon Outline:
I. You Can Trust God to Provide for You when You Open Your Hand to Release a Debt.
II. You Can Trust God to Provide for You when You Open Your Hand to Give to the Needy.
III. You Can Trust God to Provide for You when You Open Your Hand to Release Your Most Valuable Assets.
IV. You Can Trust God to Provide for You when You Open Your Hand to Give Sacrificially to Him.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1. Imagine a world where there are “no poor among you.” What do you think it would take for that to become reality? Why do you think poverty remains a problem in the world and in the church today?

2. What is the relationship between trusting God to bless us and opening our hand to give?

3. How would you describe God’s heart for the poor? How would you describe your heart for the poor?

4. Read Luke 6:30-35 and Proverbs 19:17. How would your life be different if you believed these passages in the core of your being?