Ruthlessly Resist Idolatry

Mar 20, 2022    Trent Casto

The temptation to idolatry can come from many directions, including our own hearts. Join us this week to discover why and how we must ruthlessly resist idolatry from every angle.

Sermon Outline:
I. Resist Spiritual Deception to Idolatry
II. Resist Relational Enticement to Idolatry
III. Resist Cultural Pressure to Idolatry

Sermon Discussion Questions:
1. How would you define idolatry? What are some examples today?

2. In this passage, there are three particular sources of temptation to idolatry. Which do you find the most challenging to recognize and resist?

3. What do the instructions about putting people to death teach us about the seriousness of leading people away from full devotion to God?

4. How is being deeply involved in Christian fellowship an important part of resisting idolatry?

5. Imagine we have made an idol of our work, our children, our money, or the approval of other people. How can we apply the gospel to our hearts and be free of the shackles of that idolatry?